Monday, 10 October 2011


Not posted for a while, been very busy. went down to Devon Sunday before last to help Sarah with her soap making course as she had 12 people on it from Waitrose in Holsworthy.  Since then, I have been cleaning and restoring sewing and knitting machines to put on eBay. Ebay seems to take up far too much of my time, but we need the money to pay for chicken food and other animal stuff.

I want to get on with my spinning, but I am knitting a child's cardigan for Sheilars Crat Shop in Lutterwirth as she was a bit snowed under. Once that is done I shall get back to spinning my Jacob's Fleece and knitting my cardigan for the Winter.

Sarah's dog Holly came back with us this time and will stay for a couple of months. It will give her and Sarah and Casie a break. Phil is doing the usual training, but it is more difficult this time because it is so long since she stayed, over a year. Holly seems to be getting on alright with the chickens. She is frightened of the ex-batts who aren't in the least bit afraid of her. They peck her and she runs away. Hopefully this will cure her of chasing after Sarah's hens.