Spent the day at the Weavers and Spinners Guild at Botcheston near Leicester. A brilliant day, about 30 women there with spinning wheels. What more could you ask for, a whole day to spin, with like minded women, gossip and lunch. We all brought contributions for lunch and it was spread out on the worktop in the kitchem so we could help ourselves. A lovely buffet with pies, quiche, salads, ham, potato salad and other goodies. Then, there were the desserts. Apple pie, cherry and strawberry pie, lime cheesecake, lemon cake and to top it all, a huge chocolate iced cake measuring about 10 inches square brought in by Debbie. With that went cherry pie filling and fresh cream. It's a long time since I've eaten so much.
Before luch we had a demonstration on cords and braids which was very interesting. After lunch we had notices, then we got on with our spinning. Sue (the lady from Countesthorpe who breeds Leicester Longwool sheep), who gave me a lift had brought an Ashford Country spinning wheel which is for chunky wool. She inherited this wheel along with another more traditional wheel and found this easier to use. I tried it and found it difficult to use. Then Jenni came over and looked at the wheel and adjusted it a bit so Sue found it easier to treadle. The huge bobbin had come apart so that one of the discs was loose and kept moving round and scraping on the flyer. Eventuall Sue managed to get it going once Jenni told her to hold on to the fibre until it started to draw into the orifice.
I was happy with the amount of Jacob's Fleece which I span, nearly a whole bobbin. I tried yet again with the North Ronaldsay which I had difficulty with last week, but still couldn't get it to catch so abandoned that in favour of the Jacob.
All in all, a very good day. When I got home, I had a cup of tea, did a bit more spinning and then decided to walk down to the fishing lake as Phil wasm't answering his phone.